“Achtung Technik Los!” is a project to promote young talents at secondary level I, which counters the shortage of skilled workers in STEM professions and stregthens the dual education system in Switzerland. The offer takes place directly at schools and reaches all secondary school students in the career choice phase.
Goals and Offers
«Achtung Technik Los!» (ATL) wants to pick up young people at the age of career choice with interactive content and shows them how exciting and diverse professions in the STEM field are.
- ATL shows the diversity, creativity and perspectives of technical and ICT professions.
- ATL supports and promotes the exchange of experiences between all stakeholders.
- ATL presents players from education, professional formation, business and industry together.
«Achtung Technik Los!» (ATL) offers hands-on workshops and interactive career information at secondary level I schools during 8-10 action days per year. The pupils work in practical workshops and learn all about the various STEM apprenticeships at apprenticeship stands.This structure guarantees a varied and interesting mix of information, experiments and games. The focus lieson the contact and exchange of experiences of the pupils and teachers with the apprentices, students, young professionals and vocational trainers of the participating institutions.
- ATL addresses all pupils of the participating district and secondary schools.
- ATL supports students, teachers and parents in choosing a career.
- ATL takes place on site at the schools and is adapted to local conditions.
- ATL is free of charge for the participating schools.
- ATL is often an integral part of the annual planning of the participating schools.
Additional offers
At the request of the schools, career information events (info-lunch / parents' evening) can be organised at lunchtime or in the evening.
Here, interested teachers and parents can get information and thus better support their pupils or children in choosing a career. At the same time, they can act as multipliers and strengthen project’s sustainability.
2024 - Planned live action days
Sekundarschule Niederglatt ZH | 1. November |
Sekundarschule Nänikon-Greifensee ZH | 12. November |
Sekundarschule Rüti ZH | 26. November |
Bezirksschule Lenzburg AG | 10. Dezember |
The following vocational training courses are presented at ATL:
Northwestern Switzerland
- Automation technician (libs)
- Electronics technician (libs)
- Electrician (Etavis)
- Design engineer (libs)
- Polymechanic (libs)
- Computer scientist (FHNW) – direction: application development
- Media technician (Competec)
Canton of Zurich
- Automation technician (Siemens)
- Electrician (Etavis)
- Design engineer (AZW)
- Polymechanic (MAN)
- Computer scientist (MGB, UBS) –There are two directions here: Application and platform development
- Media technician (Noser)
Partners and sponsors
Partner institutions