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    «Ho partecipato a una giornata tecnologica per ragazze organizzata da IngCH presso MAN Energy Solutions, perché ero interessata a un apprendistato tecnico. La giornata tecnologica per ragazze mi ha mostrato quanto sia vario il lavoro del polimeccanico e che è la strada giusta per me. Da allora ho completato il mio primo anno di apprendistato presso MAN Energy Solutions ed è stata sicuramente la decisione giusta.»


    «I went to an IngCH Meitli Technology Day at MAN Energy Solutions because I was interested in a technical apprenticeship. The Meitli Technology Day showed me how versatile the work of a polymechanic is and that it is the right path for me. In the meantime, I have completed the first year of my apprenticeship at MAN Energy Solutions and it was definitely the right decision.»

    Wendy L. Queen

    Prof. Wendy L. Queen obtained her PhD in chemistry from Clemson University in August 2009. Upon receipt of her PhD, she was awarded a fellowship from the National Research Council to study neutron scattering at the NIST Centre for Neutron Research in Gaithersburg Maryland. Here, she chose to focus her work on elucidating small molecule interactions on the internal surface of porous materials, such as metal-organic frameworks and zeolites. In 2012, she was appointed a project scientist position at the Molecular Foundry at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley California where she helped launch a new user program focused on the synthesis and characterization of porous adsorbents. In 2015, she was appointed Assistant Professor in the Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering at EPFL, and in 2022, she was promoted to Associate Professor. Her research is focused on the synthesis and characterization of novel porous adsorbents, namely metal-organic frameworks, which are of interest in several applications such as gas and liquid separations.

    Ulrich Looser Portrait

    Ulrich Looser

    BLR + Partners AG

    Studien Downloads


    Martin Vetterli Portrait

    Martin Vetterli

    For EPFL, it is important that students know the study options available to them at our institution, and how important it is for our country to have highly qualified engineers. We work with IngCH because its activities pursue precisely these goals.

    Joël Mesot Portrait

    Joël Mesot

    ETH Zurich relies on talented and committed students. With its projects, IngCH makes a valuable contribution to bringing young people closer to the diverse opportunities offered by MINT professions. This helps us to attract new talent in Switzerland to study engineering.

    Stefan Scheiber Portrait

    Stefan Scheiber

    Innovation for a better world: If we want to make our world more sustainable, we need creativity, knowledge, passion and new technical solutions – and young, enthusiastic people to take up engineering and tackle these tasks. This is where IngCH makes an important contribution.

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