Ulrich Looser Portrait

Ulrich Looser

BLR + Partners AG

Studien Downloads


Joël Mesot Portrait

Joël Mesot

ETH Zurich relies on talented and committed students. With its projects, IngCH makes a valuable contribution to bringing young people closer to the diverse opportunities offered by MINT professions. This helps us to attract new talent in Switzerland to study engineering.

Stefan Scheiber Portrait

Stefan Scheiber

Innovation for a better world: If we want to make our world more sustainable, we need creativity, knowledge, passion and new technical solutions – and young, enthusiastic people to take up engineering and tackle these tasks. This is where IngCH makes an important contribution.

Urs Schaeppi Portrait

Urs Schaeppi

Our company depends on highly qualified engineers. IngCH makes an important contribution to the task of inspiring young people to take up this profession. That’s why we support the work of IngCH.

Céline Bernasconi Portrait

Céline Bernasconi

Project Manager Romandie for Technology and IT weeks

Laurie Cortesi

Project Manager for Tessin Technology and IT weeks

Adarsh Sitapati

Project Manager Technology and IT weeks

Maggie Winter

Project Manager for «Achtung, Technik, Los!»

Nathalie Künzli

Project Manager for Girls Technology Days, IngFLASH and Communication

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