Our members
IngCH is currently supported by 27 member companies from a range of different sectors. Through this programme, IngCH shows that technical expertise is a major factor everywhere.
Innovation for a better world: If we want to make our world more sustainable, we need creativity, knowledge, passion and new technical solutions – and young, enthusiastic people to take up engineering and tackle these tasks. This is where IngCH makes an important contribution.
Stefan Scheiber
If we want to keep Switzerland a top location, we have to do something about it. Basic technical knowledge, analytical and networked thinking, the ability to innovate and creativity are more in demand than ever. These skills must be trained, promoted and rewarded. This starts with the very young. In order to build the skills of tomorrow's professions, we need to awaken interest and quench the thirst for knowledge today, regardless of gender and age. That is why I am personally committed to promoting STEM for our talents with Accenture.
Hansjörg Buchser
It is important to IBM Switzerland to strengthen Switzerland as a location on the one hand and to fill our location with appropriate talent on the other. We are interested in our own promotion of young talent, but IBM Switzerland also lives from the Swiss workplace, of course. That's why it's also important for us that the entire ecosystem and the industry are equipped with good skills and can grow.
Philipp Spaeti
The Meitli Technology Days are a big part of promoting young talent in the STEM field. We see this in the technical professions, where we have already been able to recruit some female design engineers and polymechanics from this programme. We would like to continue to stick to the goal of integrating even more women in training at MAN Energy Solutions.
Sandro Told
Our partners
IngCH’s activities develop their impact through cooperation with partners. ETH Zurich and EPFL, universities of applied sciences, industry and business associations as well as organisations with similar thrusts provide significant support for our projects. Networking is an important cornerstone of our activities.
Engineers are the problem solvers of the future and are in great demand in the idustrial sector. That is why Swissmem and IngCH are pursuing a common goal: to strengthen STEM education at primary school level and to inspire as many talented young women and men as possible to study engineering.
Dr. Sonja Studer
ETH Zurich relies on talented and committed students. With its projects, IngCH makes a valuable contribution to bringing young people closer to the diverse opportunities offered by MINT professions. This helps us to attract new talent in Switzerland to study engineering.
Joël Mesot
Since its foundation in 1991, the Swiss Association of Women Engineers SVIN has been committed to the concerns of women in STEM. Among other things, we inspire girls and young women for STEM professions in our project KIDS Info. IngCH is thus an important partner, particularly in the area of promoting young women.
Dr. Nora Anna Escherle

Our supporters
Since the merger with NaTech Education at the end of 2023, our association has included important supporters who cover the education sector in particular.

We would like to thank the following partners for their support:
Become a member
Support IngCH – for more young talents in the MINT sector
Why IngCH?
Our activities in talent development have a valuable impact. Your membership helps to optimise the potential of well-qualified engineers.
MINT professions
of companies ...
… have trouble filling vacancies in MINT jobs. Ongoing development drives up demand – technology is an ever-growing part of our lives and MINT skills are becoming more important all the time.
IngCH interests young people in MINT as a profession, thus securing the next generation.
Proportion of women
Fewer than
of students...
… in the major university disciplines of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and IT are women. But it is a known fact that mixed teams promote a healthy company climate and high productivity. That means we need to make better use of the potential of women.
IngCH speaks directly to young women – doing away with the clichés.
The image of physicists, computer scientists and engineers is outdated and has little to do with reality – do they really spend all their time working on difficult problems, ideally alone in a lab, at the computer or in the workshop.
IngCH is changing the image of MINT professions – less tinkering, more shaping the future together
Your commitment
Our projects are very popular. Your support helps us to meet the increasing demand.
secondary school students...
… have taken part in IngCH activities since 1992. Through project weeks, workshops and roadshows, they gain insight into study options and professional pathways, discover different fields of engineering activity, and find out what makes this profession so exciting and varied. The focus is always on interaction and experimentation, in order to awaken interest in technology and IT.
Role models
Role models are important in the study selection phase. Schoolgirls in particular need space, time and female role models in order to discover the appeal of the technical professions for themselves. Through direct interaction with female engineers, girls can gain an insight into this world and discover the opportunities open to them.
IngCH is the hub for secondary schools, universities and organisations active in promoting MINT subjects (mathematics, IT, natural sciences and technology). Our members can take advantage of our expertise at any time and gain advice if they wish to organise company activities for school pupils. We put our members in touch with each other and link them up with relevant universities.
Throughout Switzerland
IngCH is active throughout Switzerland – in schools from Geneva to Romanshorn, from Basel to Lugano. We offer a wide range of services that reach every part of the country.
Become a member now!
Please contact IngCH Director Lea Hasler for more information: